- Your Guide to Debt-Free Living in Canada -

Our Professional Debt Relief Advisors Can Help:

Achieve substantial debt reduction
Consolidate into a single affordable payment
Safeguard your income from wage garnishment
Escape constant debt collection contact
Prevent bankruptcy
Lower down your interest rate

DebtEase Solutions does not provide services under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

You will be referred to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee if your situation warrants such services.

Assistance for many types of debts

No matter what kind of debt you find yourself with, if you’re falling behind on your payments and are worried about how to get back on track, Debt Relief can help.

Credit card debt is a common type of unsecured debt where individuals borrow money through their credit cards. It typically carries high interest rates, which can accumulate quickly if the balance is not paid in full each month. Minimum monthly payments are required, but paying only the minimum can lead to long-term debt. Effective management involves timely payments, avoiding overspending, and utilizing balance transfer offers to lower interest rates.

Income tax debt arises when individuals or businesses owe taxes to the government but fail to pay them by the due date. This debt can result in penalties, interest, and potential legal action, including liens or levies. Resolving income tax debt may involve setting up a payment plan with the tax authority, seeking an offer in compromise, or consulting a tax professional. It's crucial to address this debt promptly to avoid severe financial consequences and to stay compliant with tax laws.

Student loan debt is incurred when individuals borrow money to finance their education. These loans can be either federal or private, with varying interest rates and repayment terms. While federal student loans typically offer flexible repayment options and benefits like deferment or forbearance, private loans may have less favorable terms. Graduates should explore income-driven repayment plans, loan forgiveness programs, and refinancing options if eligible to manage their debt effectively.

Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans designed to provide quick cash until the borrower's next payday. They are often used by individuals facing immediate financial needs but can lead to a cycle of debt due to their high fees and interest rates. Borrowers should be cautious and explore alternative financial solutions, such as personal loans or credit counseling, to avoid the pitfalls of payday loans and improve their financial stability.

Personal loans are unsecured loans provided by banks, credit unions, or online lenders for various purposes such as debt consolidation, home improvements, or unexpected expenses. They typically have fixed interest rates and repayment terms. Personal loans can be a good option for borrowing, but it's essential to compare offers, understand the terms, and ensure the ability to repay to avoid additional financial strain. Borrowers should also consider the impact on their credit score and overall financial health.

Debt in collections occurs when an unpaid debt is transferred from the original creditor to a collection agency. This can significantly impact one's credit score and lead to persistent collection efforts, including phone calls and legal threats. Addressing debt in collections involves negotiating with the collection agency for a repayment plan or settlement and may require seeking help from a credit counselor. It's crucial to understand one's rights under the applicable consumer protection laws of your province of residence and to address the debt to prevent further financial damage.

Unsecured debt refers to loans, lines of credit or credit that are not backed by collateral, such as credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit, most pay day loans, specialty medical bills, utility accounts, telephone and cell accounts and internet service accounts. Because there's no collateral, lenders often charge higher interest rates to compensate for the increased risk of possibly not collecting. Managing unsecured debt effectively involves budgeting, timely payments, and potentially consolidating debts to lower interest rates. Consumers should also consider debt management plans or credit counseling services to create a strategic approach to debt repayment and improve their financial situation.

How it work?

1. Free Initial Consultation

Begin your journey to financial freedom with a free, no-obligation consultation. Our expert advisors will review your financial situation and discuss the best debt relief options tailored to your needs.

2. Personalized Plans

Based on your consultation, Our expert advisors will create a customized plan to help you achieve financial freedom.

3. Achieve Debt Freedom

As you follow your personalized plan and make your payments, you’ll see your debt gradually decrease.

Our goal is to help you become debt-free within 12-60 months, depending on your unique situation.

Debt Calulator

Work out what your monthly repayments could be under each of our different debt solutions.
Your total debt:
Safe, secure & confidential

Take a look at how we can help

Let’s say you owe…

CRA Debt $7812.14
Credit Card $11934.57
Payday Loans $4382.1
Personal Loans $8532.93
Overdraft $780.65
Student Loan $2345.75
Total Owed $35788.14

Monthly Repayments:

Approximate Before $900 - $1400
Approximate After $145 - $350
Monthly payments are based on individual financial circumstances
How much you can save now!
Safe, secure & confidential

Become debt-free within 12-60 months
